Complete list of speakers since 1984 (inauguration of the PGIL) Click here

ANDERSON Anne, Her Excellency,  Irish Ambassador to France and Monaco (2008): “Reflections on Irish Foreign Policy”

ARNOLD Bruce (1997): “The Private Life of Jonathan Swift”

BARRÈS Renaud (2003): “'E-1027': A Masterpiece of Modern Architecture in Roquebrune-Cap-Martin” by Irish Architect-Designer Eileen Gray”

BARRY Professor Kevin (2018): The Crime and Punishment of Marie Girodin and Vere St Leger Goold

BARRY Sebastian (1999): “An Evening in the company of Sebastian Barry”

BARTON Dr Ruth (2013): "Rex Ingram: Hollywood Romantic, Riviera Filmmaker"

BEJA Morris (1988): “James Joyce: The Artist Manqué”

BHREATHNACH-LYNCH Dr Síghle (2008): “20th Century Irish Landscape Painting; 'The Delighted Eye'”

BHREATHNACH-LYNCH Dr Síghle (2016): "Sister Concepta's Oratory - A Unique Celtic Renaissance Gem"

BOLGER Dermot (2022), Approaching James Joyce's 'Ulysses' as a playwright

BOURKE Dr Angela (2002): Ireland Fund of Monaco Academic-in-Residence “The New Yorker Magazine's Maeve Brennan: An 'Irish Traveller in Residence'”

BRATER Enoch (1996): “The Stages of Arthur Miller”

BUNBURY Turtle (2010): “Around the World in 1847: Events across the globe in which people of Ireland were influential”

BUNBURY Turtle (2011):  The Ireland Funds of Monaco Writer-in-Residence “Vanishing Ireland - Chronicles of a Disappearing World"

BURGESS Anthony (1985): “James Joyce's 'Finnegans Wake'”

CAHILL David (2011): “The History of Irish Cheese”

CAPPOCK Dr Margarita (2023) The Ireland Funds Monaco Academic-in-Residence : A talk "Exploring the early life in Ireland of artist Francis Bacon &  the complex relationship with Ireland, the land of his birth"

CARPENTER Andrew (2000): “Hidden Delights: Irish Chapbook Verse of the 18th Century”

CHALLONER Ronald (1994): “Graham Greene - The Last Portrait”

CHALLONER Ronald, Shirley CONRAN, Pierre JOANNON, C. George SANDULESCU (1994): “Anthony Burgess - The Years in Monaco”

COLLINS Mary (2009): “Images of Ireland”, exhibition of watercolours 

CONWAY Zoë & MC INTYRE John (2024): A traditional Irish folk music concert 

COSTELLO Dr Kevin (2015) : "The Irish Bankrupt 1860-1930"

COSTELLO Dr Vandra (2013) : "A History of the Development of the Gardens at Lissadell Demesne"

CONRAN Shirley, Ronald CHALLONER, Pierre JOANNON, C. George SANDULESCU (1994): “Anthony Burgess - The Years in Monaco”

CRONIN Anthony (1999): “An Evening with Anthony Cronin”

CROTTY Patrick (1999): “Modern Irish Poetry: The Making of an Anthology”

CURRY Julian & Barry McGOVERN, University of Nice (1991): A Samuel Beckett Evening with Play Night: Samuel Beckett, “Fin de Partie”

DALY Seamus (1984): Exhibition of photographs representing Ireland and the Irish

DÉON Michel, Académie française (1987): “Ireland, the last Myth of Europe” - in conversation with Dr Pierre Joannon, Honorary Consul of Ireland to south-east France.

DEVLIN Martina, The Ireland Funds of Monaco Writer-in-Residence (2009): “Ship of Dreams: The writing of…”

DEVLIN Polly The Ireland Funds of Monaco Writer-in-Residence (2012): "A Sense of Place"

DISNEY Virginia, director (1988): J. M. Synge, “The Tinker's Wedding”

DISNEY Virginia, director (1988): Oscar Wilde, scenes from his plays: “Lady Windermere's Fan”, “An Ideal Husband” and “A Woman of No Importance”

DISNEY Virginia, director (1989): Poetry evening

DISNEY Virginia, director (1989): Samuel Beckett, “Endgame”

DISNEY Virginia, director (1990): Poetry evening

DISNEY Virginia, director (1991): A. R. Guerney, “Love Letters”

DISNEY Virginia, director (1991): Samuel Beckett, “Krapp's Last Tape”, “The Old Tune” and “Rockaby”

DISNEY Virginia, director (1992): Dramatised version of Irish short stories by Sean O'Faolain, Frank O'Connor and Oscar Wilde

DISNEY Virginia, director (1992): Oscar Wilde, “The Profound Work”, “The Decay of Lying”, “The Critic as Artist”, an abridged version of “Salome”, and an extract from “De Profundis”

DISNEY Virginia, director (1993): Oscar Wilde, “Diversions and Delights” by John Gay – A One Man Show

DISNEY Virginia, director (1994): Saint Patrick and the Celts - “The Midnight Court”

DOHERTY Neal (2022 & 2024): The Complete Guide to the Statues and Sculptures of Dublin City"

DONEGAN Liam & Louise WALSH (2006): “A Taste of the Whiskey Legend”

DONOGHUE Denis (1991): “Who Says What”

DRINKWATER Carol (2006): “A Celebration of Olives… from Dreams to Reality”

EGAN Desmond (1996): “Poet on Poet: Patrick Kavanagh and I”

FALLON Brian (1998): “The Middle Years - Ireland 1930-1960”

FANNING Professor Ronan, LILLIS Michael, (2016): "Eliza Lynch - Queen of Paraguay"

FILM SCREENING (1988): “The Dead”, dir. John Huston, based on James Joyce's story

FILM SCREENING (1989): “Captain Boycott”, dir. Frank Launder, 1957

FITZGERALD Desmond, Knight of Glin (2001): “Irish Furniture and Interiors in the Georgian Age”

FITZGERALD Dr Garret, Former Irish Prime Minister, Former President of the EC Council of Ministers (2004): “Ireland in the European Union”

FITZ-SIMON Dr Christopher (2003): “'Speranza' - Irish Nationalist Poet and Mother of Oscar Wilde”

FITZ-SIMON Dr Christopher (2011): “Astonish me in the morning - The life of Tyrone Guthrie "

FOSTER Professor Roy & John KELLY (1995): “Work in Progress in Yeats Studies”

FOSTER Professor Roy (2003): “W. B. Yeats - The Arch-Poet”

FOX Ian (2006): “Fifty-Five Years at Wexford: The Story of the Wexford Festival Opera”

FOXCROFT Dr Louise (2014) "Grave Historical Doubts: William Butler Yeats and Alfred Hollis from Roquebrune to Drumcliff"

FRAZIER Professor Adrian (2016): "The Lovers of Orelay : George Moore and Provence"

GALLAGHER Monique (1989): “Flann O'Brien: Myles from Dublin”

GALLAGHER Monique (1996): “Flann O'Brien in Fine Spirits”

GAVIN DIARMUID (2015): "Making Gardens: A Romp Through History, an Examination of the Contemporary and a Peek at the Future of Garden Design"

GÉBLER Carlo (1999): “An Evening in the company of Carlo Gébler”

GOLDMAN Arnold (1989): “John Millington Synge and the Aran Isles”

GORDON-BOWE Dr Nicola (2002): “Dreams Long Hoarded: The Arts and Crafts Movement and the Celtic Revival in Ireland”

GORDON-BOWE Dr Nicola (2012): "Primitive Bigness and Mystery - The Art of Wilhelmina Geddes"

GRAHAM Godfrey (2009): “40 Years behind the Lens”

GRIFFIN BERNSTORFF Countess Ann (2010): “The Ros Tapestry”

GUINNESS Patrick (2015): What is Irish? Identity, Sex and Genetics over the last 2,000 years.  

HAMILTON Hugo, Prix Fémina Etranger 2004 for 'Sang Impur' (2004): “An Evening with Hugo Hamilton”

HARBISON Dr Peter (2010): “The High Crosses of Iireland”

HARPUR James - Ireland Fund of Monaco Poet-in-Residence (2010): “The Poetry Journey”

HART Clive (1986): “Language and Structure in Beckett's Plays”

HEANEY Seamus, Nobel Prize for Literature 1995 (1998): “An Evening with Seamus Heaney” at the Salle des Variétés

HOLLAND Merlin (2013) "The Unexpected Oscar Wilde"

HORNE John (2015): "Ireland and the Greater War 1912-1923"

HURLEY Gráinne (2023) - The Ireland Funds Monaco Writer-in-Residence - A talk entitled: "Mary Lavin and The New Yorker"

JEFFARES A. Norman (1986): “Parameters of Irish Literature in English”

JEFFERY Professor Keith (2012): "Onlookers in France: Two Irish artists and the First World War"

JEFFERY Professor Keith (2014): "Irish Soldiers in France in November 1914"

JOANNON Dr. Pierre, Honorary Consul-General of Ireland to south-east France​ (1986): “Eamon de Valera”

JOANNON Dr. Pierre , Honorary Consul-General of Ireland to south-east France (1987): in conversation with DÉON Michel (Académie française): “Ireland, the last Myth of Europe”.

JOANNON Dr. Pierre, Shirley CONRAN, Ronald CHALLONER, C. George SANDULESCU (1994): “Anthony Burgess - The Years in Monaco”

JOANNON Dr Pierre (2018) - a lecture  on 'Michel Déon, la Principauté de Monaco et l’Irlande'. Michel Déon was an elected member of l'Académie française and a good friend of Dr Joannon, Honorary Consul-General of Ireland to south-east France. Déon died in Ireland where he had lived for 40 years.

JOHNSTON Fred, Ireland Fund of Monaco Writer-in-Residence (2005): “Leaders of the crowd? ― Irish Poetry takes on a New Century”

JOHNSTON Jennifer (1998): Reading from her novel “The Illusionist” and her current writing

JOYCE Joe (2013): "The Guinnesses - The Untold Story of Ireland's Most Successful Family"

KAVANAGH His Excellency Paul - Irish Ambassador to France and Monaco (2011): “Ireland is Open for Business”

KELLY VONMEDICUS Susan (with WALDEIER BIZZARRO Professor Tina) (2015) : "The History of Irish Book Illumination of the Golden Age (600-800 CE)"

KILROY Claire (2022), personnal insight of re-reading James Joyce's "Ulysses" by award-winning author

LAWLOR Dr Helen 2023):  A talk & harp perfomance by Dr Lawlor:'The Irish harp in music, literature & culture'' with a music performance by traditional Irish music group Dubh Linn & guest bodhrán player Conor Lyons

LENNON Joseph Dr (2023): Co-Director of the Villanova University (Philadelphia, USA) symposium hosted by & at the PGIL in Monaco. A talk titled "Sustainability in Irish Culture"

LILLIS Michael, FANNING Professor Ronan (2016): "Eliza Lynch - Queen of Paraguay"

LONGLEY Michael (1999): “An Evening with Michael Longley”

LYNCH Brian (2009): “Words in the Air - Some Highlights and Surprises from the RTÉ Written Archive”

LYNCH Brian, The Ireland Fund of Monaco Writer-in-Residence (2007): “From 'Amazing Grace' to James Bond”

LYSAGHT Charles (2012): "The Art of the Obituary"

Mac LAVERTY Bernard (1999): “An Evening with Bernard MacLaverty”

Mac CARTHY Flor (2024):  The Ireland Fund of Monaco Writer-in-Residence - "The Princess and the Presidents of Ireland"

MACKEN The Hon. Mrs. Justice Fidelma O'Kelly (2012): "Judging at the Heart of Europe - Sitting at the Court of Justice of the European Union"

MADIGAN Dr Edward (2011) : “The Isle of Saints and Soldiers: The Irish Experience of the First World War”

MAHON Colonel Sir William, Bt, LVO (2013): "Anecdotes of the Irish Soldier from 1690 to the Present Day"

MALONEY Jean (1990): “Celtic Elements in Shakespeare”

MALONEY Jean (1991): “The Gentleman of the Globe Theatre”

MALONEY Jean (1994): “The Rose, the Fleur de Lys, and the Thistle”

MASON Patrick (2002): “Stage Irish”

McCARTHY Dr Muriel (2007): “Simony, Sacrilege and Perjury: Archbishop Marsh's Library, Dublin”

McCLOSKEY Molly, Ireland Fund of Monaco Writer-in-Residence (2003): Reading of a work-in-progress

McGOVERN Barry & Julian CURRY, University of Nice (1991): A Samuel Beckett Evening with Play Night: Samuel Beckett, “Fin de Partie”

McGUCKIAN Mary, Film-maker (2015) : "The House That Eileen Gray Built"

McHALE Maria Dr. (2024): A talk "New and old, Gaelic and modern’: Irish opera and the Gaelic Revival"

McNAMEE Eoin, Ireland Fund of Monaco Writer-in-Residence (2002): “An Evening with Eoin McNamee″

MINIHAN John (2006 & 2019): “Images of Irish Writers” an exhibition of photographic works (2026) inaugurated by H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco & "Beckett and the Wake" (2019)

MONACO-IRELAND ARTS SOCIETY (1997): “The Hours after Midnight”, Tales from the Supernatural 

MONACO-IRELAND ARTS SOCIETY (1998): “An evening with James Joyce”

MONOD Paul (2014): "When the Celtic Tiger Lived in France - What Irish Exiles brought to the French Economy, 1689-1789"

MONTAGUE John (2007): “To Be A Poet? A Dublin Literary Life”

MORGAN Professor George (1986): “William Butler Yeats: A Voyage to the End of Poetry”

MORGAN Professor George (1987): “Seamus Heaney: The Poetry of Earth”

MORGAN Professor George (1997): “Spacing In/Spacing Out: A Poetic Journey through the Imagination of Seamus Heaney”

MORGAN Professor George (2000): “About and in the presence of Louis Le Brocquy” at the Salle des Variétés

MORTIMER Mark (1985): “William Butler Yeats and the Irish Tradition”

MORTIMER Mark (1988): “Oscar Wilde: Monarch of Wit”

MORTIMER Mark (1992): “Oscar Wilde and Ireland”

MOSS Matthew (1988): “The Conservation of Paintings” with an exhibition of his own works 

MOSS Dr Rachel (2022): "The Long Life of the Book of Kells"

MURADIAN Dr Regine (2022), French and English reading of "Franky and the Worry Bees"

MURPHY David (2013): "Ireland - The Road to Recovery"

MURPHY Patrick J (2016): "An Art Lovers Guide to the French Riviera"

MURRAY Jack (2007): “Vague Memories... Ireland of Yesteryear”, Exhibition of oil paintings

Ni DHOMHNAILL Nuala (2000): “An Evening with Nuala Ni Dhomhnaill”  

Ni DHUIBHNE Eilis (2001): “From Donegal to Montana: Readings from 'The Dancers Dancing' and 'The Pale Gold of Alaska'”

NOONAN-WALSH Professor Patricia (2008): "Human Rights and Life in the Community: Steps Towards Wider Inclusion”

NUGENT Liz (2016): "Unravelling Oliver: A Talk, reading and book-signing"

NUGENT Liz, Ireland Fund of Monaco Writer-in-Residence (2016): "An Evening with Liz Nugent"

Ó BRIAIN Colm (2001): “Fins de siècles: Cultural Overtures in Ireland… The Arts as Herald to Irish Self-Confidence”

O'BRIEN Edna (1997): Reading from her novel “Down by the River”

O'BRIEN Mary Ann (2013): "Life is Like a Box of never know what you're going to get!"

O'BYRNE Robert (2011): "Some Eccentric Irish Houses (and their equally eccentric owners) "

Ó CATHÁIN Séamas (2011): “Gaelic Grace Notes: Early 20th-century field research by the Norwegian ethnomusicologist, Ole Mørk Sandvik (1875-1976), in Ireland and Scotland”

O'CONNOR Nuala (2022), About Nora Barnacle and James Joyce

O'DONNELL Mary, Ireland Fund of Monaco Writer-in-Residence (2007): “Irishwomen and Writing: Overview of the Journey from Imagination into Print, 1980-2006”

Ó DÚILL DR Gréagóir Ireland Fund of Monaco Writer-in-Residence (2009): “Café Littéraire: Aspects of Irish Culture in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries”

O'DWYER Kevin (2011): “A Sparkling Party: Contemporary Irish Silver”

O'HARA Mary (2013): "Travels with my Harp - A Talk with Video Archives”

O'KELLY MACKEN The Hon. Mrs. Justice Fidelma (2012): "Judging at the Heart of Europe - Sitting at the Court of Justice of the European Union"

O'REILLY Patricia (2008): “The Life and Times of Eileen Gray”

O'SHAUGHNESSY Aighleann (2015) "The Rock of Cashel and the Passage of Time - From Royal to Ecclesiastical to Visitor Attraction"

O'SULLIVAN GREENE Patrick (2024) : 'Revolution to Royalty - The making of an Irish-American Princess'

O'TOOLE Fintan (2012): "Object Lessons: Irish Culture in Ten Artefacts"

OHLMEYER PROFESSOR Jane (2010): “Snobbery and Scandal in Seventeenth Century Ireland”

PAKENHAM Eliza (2010): “An Intimate Portrait of an Irish Family”

PEAKE Charles (1986): “Jonathan Swift and the Art of Raillery”

PHELAN Tom (2012): "Forgotten Heroes - Ireland's World War One Soldiers"

PIERSE Dr Mary (2014): "Feminisms in Ireland: What happened between 1810 and 1930"

PIERSE Dr Mary (2015): Ireland Fund of Monaco Academic-in-Residence "George Moore at the Fin de Siècle: A World of Discovery"

PIETSCHINY Christian, Artist (2005): “The Magic of Cill Rialaig – Personal Impressions”

PINE Richard (1998): “Oscar Wilde and the 1890's”

POITOU Marc (1988): “Bernard Shaw and the Comedy of Approval”

POITOU Marc (1996): “The Great Man According to Bernard Shaw”

POTTERTON Homan (2005): “Behind the Scenes at a Museum: Life as a Museum Curator”

PRATSCHKE Sheila (2010): “Re-imagining the Irish College, Paris”

PRICE Glanville (1985): “Ireland and the Celtic Connection”

QUINN Dr Justin, Ireland Fund of Monaco Academic-in-Residence (2005): “An Irish Poet in Prague”

ROCKETT Dr Kevin (2004): “Irish Cinema 1975-2004”

ROBINSON Nicholas K. (2011): "Irish Epitaphs - A Caricature Collection in Trinity College Dublin"

RYAN James (2015): "Why did the Irish experience of emigration, so prevalent in the post war period, feature so rarely in the literature of the time?”

SADDLEMYER Ann Professor (2001): “Living with George: The Biography of Mrs. W. B. Yeats”

SAINT PATRICK'S DAY 1997: Dr Bruce Stewart: “St Patrick: The Patron Saint in Irish Literature”

SAINT PATRICK'S DAY 1998: An Evening with Seamus Heaney, Nobel Prize for Literature 1995 (Salle des Variétés)

SAINT PATRICK'S DAY 1999: Concert by the Orchestra of the Académie de Musique Fondation Prince Rainier III (Chapelle de la Visitation)

SAINT PATRICK'S DAY 2000: “An Iarlais” Gaelic opera performed by the Orchestra of the Académie de Musique Fondation Prince Rainier III, the Académie de Dance Classique Princesse Grace and young performers from The Rostrevor Institute of Culture (Théâtre Princesse Grace)

SAINT PATRICK'S DAY 2001: Irish Film Retrospective (Les Cinémas du Sporting, Monte-Carlo)

SAINT PATRICK'S DAY 2002: Concert by the Orchestra of the Académie de Musique Fondation Prince Rainier III, Les Petits Chanteurs and La Maîtrise de Monaco, Wolfgang Löll (Cathédrale de Monaco)

SAINT PATRICK'S DAY 2003: “From Midday to Midnight with the Princess Grace Irish Library”, musical performances by the Cork School of Music ― Pallas Quartet, Tom Cullivan, Rhoda Dullea and Constantin Zanidache, the Orchestra of the Académie de Musique Fondation Prince Rainier III. Film screenings: 'Circle of Friends' and 'The Quiet Man' (Salle des Variétés)

SAINT PATRICK'S DAY 2005: Concert by the Orchestra of the Académie de Musique Fondation Prince Rainier III, Fred Johnston and Sylvia Crawford (Chapelle de la Visitation)

SAINT PATRICK'S DAY 2006: John Minihan, “Images of Irish Writers”, Exhibition of photographic works

SAINT PATRICK'S DAY 2007: Jack Murray, “Vague Memories... Ireland of Yesteryear”, Exhibition of oil paintings

SAINT PATRICK'S DAY 2008: Concert by the Orchestra of the Académie de Musique Fondation Prince Rainier III (Chapelle de la Visitation)

SAINT PATRICK'S DAY 2009: “Images of Ireland” by Mary Collins, exhibition of watercolours

SAINT PATRICK'S DAY 2010: Concert of Irish classical orchestral music performed by students from the ACADÉMIE DE MUSIQUE ET DE THÉÂTRE, FONDATION PRINCE RAINIER III (Chapelle de la Visitation)

SAINT PATRICK'S DAY 2011: “The History of Irish Cheese” – A presentation by master cheesemaker David Cahill

SANDULESCU C. George, Shirley CONRAN, Ronald CHALLONER, Pierre JOANNON (1994): “Anthony Burgess - The Years in Monaco”

SANDULESCU Professor C. George (1988): “John Millington Synge: The Irishman Who Stayed at Home”

SCOTT Dr Yvonne (2007): “An Irish Renaissance? Contemporary Artists from Ireland”

SELLEY Peter (2007): “Irish Literature and History at Auction”

SEVERIN Tim (2011): “The Brendan Voyage”

SMITH Michael (2015):  "Tom Crean - Ireland's Unsung Hero"

SMYTH Dr Gerry, Ireland Fund of Monaco Academic-in-Residence (2006): “The Life and Interesting Times of Augusta Holmès”

ST JOHN BUTLER Lance (1992): “The Learned Wit of Laurence Sterne”

STALLEY Professor Roger (2014): "The Book of Kells - Art and History"

STANFORD Alan (1993): “An Oscar Wilde Evening”

STEMBRIDGE Gerard (2005): “An Evening with Gerard Stembridge”

STEWART Dr Bruce (1997): “St Patrick: The Patron Saint in Irish Literature”

STEWART Dr Bruce (1998): “North and South: The Cultural Politics of Irish Writing”

STEWART Dr Bruce (2001): “The Irish Mind – An Open Question?”

SULLIVAN Dr MaryCarroll (2007): “The Arts and Science in Medical Research: Monaco/Ireland Fund Alliance's Innovative Approach to Supporting Irish Research”

TÓIBÍN Colm (2002): “An Evening with Colm Tóibín”

TREVOR William (2000): “An Evening with William Trevor”

UI OGAIN Professor Ríonach (2013): The Ireland Funds Monaco Academic-in-Residence: "Storytelling in Irish Tradition"

VALLELY Dr Fintan (2008 & 2023): The Ireland Funds Monaco Academic-in-Residence (2008): “Artistic Fulfilment, Entertainment and Identity in the Music of Ireland” & St Patrick's Day performance (2023)

VINCENT Dr A.W.B. (2004): “An Evening on Muckross House”. A 25-minute RTÉ documentary followed by Dr A.W.B. Vincent recalling memories of his Irish childhood at Muckross

WALDEIER BIZZARRO Professor Tina (with KELLY VON MEDICUS Susan) (2015): "The History of Irish Book Illumination of the Golden Age (600-800 CE)"

WALKER Stephen (2014): "Hide & Seek - The Irish Priest in the Vatican who defied the Nazi Command"

WALL William (2010): Ireland Fund of Monaco writer-in-residence, “Places for Words and Words for Places”,

WALSH Father Pearse (2007): “Collège des Irlandais - Paris”

WALSH Father Pearse (2008): “Paris on the Eve of the Millennium... A Priest's Perspective”

WALSH Professor Brendan (2007): "The Celtic Tiger and After"

WALSH Thomas (1987): “John McCormack, the Irish Tenor, and the Opera”

WARD Alex (2010): “Dress in Ireland: The Costume Collection at the National Museum of Ireland”

WHELAN Professor Kevin (2018) Michael J. Smurfit Director, Notre Dame Global Gateway Dublin. A talk entitled "Dublin as a global city 1600-2017"

WILLIAMS Jeremy (2008): "The Irish Thatched Cottage - Cottage Orné, a Living Tradition”
