Press coverage

Our thanks to our media partners to Monaco Daily News and Riviera Radio.

We are also grateful for the press coverage by the multitude of other titles, including local Monaco publications.


Media Partner to the library
Media Partner to the library
Media Partner to the library
Media Partner to the library


Note to editors & journalists

All photographic images and videos on this website are the copyright of © Princess Grace Irish Library - unless stated otherwise. All rights reserved.

Members of the press may use them with our approval (contact:

Permission is granted for use of materials in connection with bona fide journalistic editorial works only. This may include journalistic editorial works published in magazines, newspapers, books and on the internet.

Published articles about the Princess Grace Irish Library and our cultural events:

Good News Monaco (June 2024) - Bloomsday in Monaco (June 2024) - Michael Flatley's collection boosts this year's Bloomsday

RTE Radio 1 (Ireland) April 2024 - Flor MacCarthy reports from Monaco on The History Show -  she speaks to Prince Albert II about an oasis of Irish culture, inspired by Grace Kelly’s connection to Ireland

Evoke magazine (Ireland) April 2024 Flor MacCarthy Relished 'Leave Of Absence' In Monaco (

Monaco Life March 2024 Royal connections and Irish folk music at the Princess Grace Irish Library

New My Royals March 2024 - Princess Caroline attended a concert on Saint Patrick's Day at the Irish library in Monaco named after her mother Grace March 2024 Letter from five year-old Princess stirs memories of historic 1962 visit to Ireland - NEWS.MC - Monaco News

Monaco Tribune March 2024 What's the Story?

Monaco Life March 2024 - Irish library announces spring writer-in-residence

Irish Central January 2024 Princess Grace Irish Library celebrates 40th anniversary (

Hello Monaco January 2024 : Princess Grace Irish Library 40th anniversary- program of events

La Gazette de Monaco January 2024 : Princess Grace Irish Library 40 years of promoting Irish culture

The Tribune January 2024 : Princess Grace Irish Library celebrates 40th anniversary

Monaco Hebdo January 2024 : 40 ans pour la Princess Grace Irish Library, Flor Mac Carthy lauréate (The Ireland Funds) du printemps 2024

Monaco Life January 2024 : Princess Grace Irish Library to celebrate 40-years of service in the name of culture and heritage

Monaco Service Public January 2024 : Celebration des 40 ans de la PGIL

Monaco Mon Service Public January 2024 - Celebrating 40 years of the Princess Grace Irish Library

Monaco Life December 2023 Princess Grace Irish Library to host lecture by Patrick O'Sullivan Greene on Irish American legacy

A home in Monaco for Irish arts and culture Nov 2023 - Princess Grace Irish Library (a recipient of a grant from the Emigrant Support Programme)

Monaco Life October 2023 Francis Bacon’s connections to Monaco explored at the Princess Grace Irish Library  

Monaco Life October 2023 Dr Margarita Cappock to lead fascinating lecture on Irish-born, British artist Francis Bacon

NEWS.MC - Monaco News Sept 2023 - Busy weekend of culture on Monaco's Rock - Princess Grace Irish Library

Irish Arts & Entertainment June 2023 pages 8&9 - Visit to the Grace Kelly rare Irish Book Collection in Monaco

Irish Central May 2023 - Daniel Mulhall lecture starts collaboration between Glucksman Ireland House (NYU) and Monaco's Princess Grace Irish Library

Monaco Life May 2023 : Princess Grace Irish Library launches collaboration with NYU's Glucksman Ireland House

May 2023 NYU’s Glucksman Ireland House Launches Collaboration with the Princess Grace Irish Library in Monaco

Hello Monaco April 2023 - A literary odyssey kicks off a collaboration between Glucksman Ireland House (NYU) and the Princess Grace Irish Library in Monaco April 2023 - Aound the world with W.B.Yeats and James Joyce

Monaco Life April 2023 - Daniel Mulhall goes around the world with Yeats and Joyce

NEWS.MC April 2023 - Musing about the harp at Princess Grace Irish Library

Monaco Life April 2023 - Daniel Mulhall goes around the world with Yeats and Joyce - event 10th May

Monaco Life April 2023 - Harp and lecture evening at the PGIL library 13th April

News.MC - March 2023 - In Ireland: Prince Albert unveils statue to Princess Grace

Monaco Life March 2023 - Prince Albert II unveils statue of Princess Grace in ireland

Good News Monaco - March 2023 - profile of Paula Farquharson, Director of the Princess Grace Irish Library

Trinity News Feb 2023 - A hidden gem of Irish culture at the heart of Monaco

Riviera Buzz Feb 2023 - A return visit to the Princess Grace Irish Library

Monaco Life Feb 2023 - The Grace O'Malley tall ship will visit Monaco from Ireland

Monaco Life - Dec 2022 Princess Grace Irish Library collaborates with Ireland's Blackwater Valley Opera Festival to honour James Joyce

News.MC - Princess Grace Irish Library in spotlight at MonacoUSA 2023

News.MC - Book of Kells brought to life at Princess Grace Irish Library, Rachel Moss 2022

Monaco Info TV Oct 2022 - Irish Library goes online and playwright Dermot Bolger lecture

MonacoInfo TV footage Sept 2022 (3 minutes in French)  - The Irish library's catalogue launched online

Monaco Life - Sept 2022 Princess Grace Irish Library's book collection goes online

La Gazette de Monaco - St Patrick's Day 2022

Monaco Daily News - April 2022: A Love letter to Irish literature's greatest muse

Grace Influential - an inside look at this special Irish oasis in the heart of Monaco. 

Télé Monaco - Bibliothèque Princesse Grace, Héritage littéraire

Monaco Hebdo - Photo exhibition at PGIL of 2021 visit to Ireland by HSH Prince Albert II and His children

Monaco Life Sept 2021 - Prince donates 1 million Euro to Ireland's library at Trinity College Dublin during visit

Monaco Tribune April 2021 - Paula Farquharson, keeping Grace Kelly’s Irish roots alive in Monaco

Good news Monaco April 2021 - Profile of Paula Farquharson - Director of the Princess Grace Irish Library

Monaco Life - March 2021: PGIL celebrates St Patrick's Day

Monaco Now March 2021 : Princess Grace Irish Library - L'Irlande à Monaco

Monaco Info TV March 2021 - St Patrick's Day at the Princess Grace Irish Library (in French)

Monaco Life January 2021 - New director for Princess Grace Irish Library

Monaco Daily News January 2021 – Paula takes over at Princess Grace Irish Library

La Gazette de Monaco Jan 2021 - Une page se tourne pour la Princess Grace Irish Library

QE magazine Jan 2021 - Paula Farquharson nominata direttrice della Princess Grace Irish Library di Monaco

Monaco Life January 2020 - Princess Grace Irish Library to host Booker Prize author

Monaco Life November 2019 - Remembering Princess Grace

New York Times - 18 August 2013

Monaco Life - 23 January 2015

Monaco Wealth Management - 23 January 2015

Listen to Amanda Woods of 2UE Australian Radio visit to Monaco and the Princess Grace Irish Library - October 2013 (audio record starts at 05:10)

The Villanovan  - New Course Highlights Irish Illuminated Manuscripts – 24 April 2014

Irish Times – 1 October 2014

Irish Times – 6 October 2014
