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St Patrick’s Day concert 17th March

St Patrick’s Day concert with the much-loved traditional Irish music band, Dubh Linn who will play a lively mix of traditional songs and tunes. The four musicians from Dublin have a unique sound with vocal harmonies and energetic instrumental arrangements. 

Join us at lunchtime and enjoy a lively Irish céilí ambiance and a display of Irish dancing! 

Buy your tickets on-line now!


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A conversation about Graham Greene & Michel Déon
A conversation about Graham Greene & Michel Déon

Pierre Joannon and Dr Eamon Maher in conversation about these two great writers: one English who lived in Antibes and one French who lived in Ireland. Both pioneering and celebrated writers are the subject of Pierre's recent books: ‘Graham Greene, Ireland and the Honorary Consul – A view from the South of France’ (2024)’ and ‘Michel Déon de l’Académie française, Pierre Joannon, Correspondance 1973-2016’ (January 2025).

Dr Eamon Maher, Technological University Dublin is Director of the National Centre for Franco-Irish Studies will be in conversation with Pierre Joannon, former Consul General of Ireland in south-east France (1973-2024) and Member of the Royal Irish Academy.

A conversation about Graham Greene & Michel Déon
A conversation about Graham Greene & Michel Déon

Pierre Joannon and Dr Eamon Maher in conversation about these two great writers: one English who lived in Antibes and one French who lived in Ireland. Both pioneering and celebrated writers are the subject of Pierre's recent books: ‘Graham Greene, Ireland and the Honorary Consul – A view from the South of France’ (2024)’ and ‘Michel Déon de l’Académie française, Pierre Joannon, Correspondance 1973-2016’ (January 2025).

Dr Eamon Maher, Technological University Dublin is Director of the National Centre for Franco-Irish Studies will be in conversation with Pierre Joannon, former Consul General of Ireland in south-east France (1973-2024) and Member of the Royal Irish Academy.


Princess Grace Irish Library
9 rue Princesse Marie-de-Lorraine
MC 98000 Principality of Monaco
Tel + 377 93 50 12 25
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